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Monday, 28 August 2017

As Days...Months....Years Pass what we REALISE ? "7" WONDERS IN LIFE TO KNOW....

1.We don't have the answers....Why we are here? How can we be conscious? Is there a purpose in life? Noone has answers. Most of us learn in our lives to ignore these questions....

2. Visual attraction doesn't matter....physical beauty fades with time. If you choose your partners solely based on this, you will lose your excitement in a few years and for some in just a few months.

3.Handful true friend... Most people do not care about you. where caring is the only judgment factor comes out true relation.There are only a handful of people in life who can be your true friend and support you in and all..

4.Money Matters !!!....above all threshold, money doesn't matter. We have seen both miserable billionaires and the happiest guys with above-average financial conditions.  

5.Life is uncertain..... Life sometimes brings some awestruck surprises. Do not expect everything to go smoothly....  

6.Pride = Poison...How many times you hesitated to call your friend because of pride? how many wonderful relationships were lost because of "pride"? Be the person with magnanimous heart..right down take the mobile and ring the person you like...you won't regret it at the end.

7. Universe.....Out of billions of galaxies, stars and out of planets, there you are doing your homework. The universe is vast and you are just a grain of sand ...

Will pass....everything will pass away... keep moving.......